Hello Again!



So happy you have stopped by to find out more information on Feng Shui and you.

My name is Maria and I have been a Feng Shui student/teacher/practitioner for 20+ years.  Would you believe that you already know Feng Shui and have been practicing it without realizing it? 

Let me give you an example, you just finished a 12-hour shift, and you are exhausted. You get home and when you open your door you are greeted with piles of unread newspapers, magazines, yesterday’s dishes are still in the sink, the garbage was not taken outside, well you get the idea. As soon as you open the door your immediate feeling is that of wanting to run away, feeling overwhelmed and drained.

Let’s create the same scenario but this time let’s have the newspapers, magazines neatly stacked, the dishes clean and the garbage outside. You would still be exhausted from work, but the overwhelmed and drained feeling wouldn’t be a factor. The overwhelmed and drained feeling was due to blocked ch’i energy. That is what is meant by feeling. You feel the ch’i energy.

The scenario above is one that we have faced at some point in our lives. I believe that Feng Shui is about intention, not perfection. After many years of feeling drained, tired, overwhelmed, I decided to apply Feng Shui principles in my life. It was a slow process since I wasn’t sure if it would work but I didn’t give up. In areas where I knew I needed to focus, I added cures to them and with time things began to change. I felt energized and projects that I had struggled to complete were now easier to handle. Opportunities that I didn’t think were possible suddenly came knocking at my door. Moving the blocked ch’i energy along has made a difference in my life.

My purpose here is to share what I have learned and hope that it will help you as much as it has helped me. We are all on this earth together and should be helping each other to live a life with balance, peace, and harmony.

Join me, let’s continue the journey to find a more rewarding way to our lives.

All the best to you!
